A remarkable success story… in the summer of 2000, BNSF Railway Company and MGM Business Partners, Inc. joined efforts in a strategic alliance to outsource the marketing, risk management, and accounting associated with BNSF freight claim products. A new entity, Partnershipping, Inc., was created!

Our goals were to provide BNSF similar net proceeds for their freight claim products, manage risk, reduce liability exposure, guarantee collections, and allow BNSF to substantially reduce internal costs and reallocate company resources.

The outcome far exceeded the goals! Not only did Partnershipping achieve its goals, but net proceeds to BNSF improved as well. The innovative, calculated risk quickly became a stunning success!

A Simple Turnkey Process

As soon as a product becomes a freight claim matter, the available information is transmitted electronically to Partnershipping. From that point forward, Partnershipping dedicates its skilled staff to secure additional information, assess potential risk, evaluate the best marketing solutions, and then execute the sale. Disposition is monitored and final payment, along with all supporting data, are remitted electronically to BNSF to populate their claim records. This outsourcing arrangement and electronic exchange of information is designed and executed so well that BNSF and Partnershipping rarely need to communicate.

Published On: February 7th, 2024Categories: Subsidiaries